Jinetes: (1°) Roberto Morales, (2°) Chris R. Rosier, (3°) Diego Saenz, (4°) Timothy Thornton, (5°) Carlos Quinones, (6°) Kevin J. Smith, (7°) Rohan R. Singh, (8°) Jarred Journet, (9°) Emanuel Nieves, (10°) Kerwin D. Clark
Preparadores: (1°) Ronnie Averett, (2°) Shelton J. Zenon, Sr., (3°) Dale White, Sr., (4°) Howard Alonzo, (5°) Paul Melancon, (6°) Garland Goins, (7°) Joseph Kanhai, (8°) Brent Delahoussaye, (9°) Henry B. Johnson, Jr., (10°) Eduardo Ramirez
Studs: (1°) Margie K. Averett, (2°) Sebastien, J. Ronald and Linda, (3°) Badeaux, Sandy and White, Sr., Dale, (4°) J. Patrick Lee Racing LLC, (5°) Paul D. Marceaux, (6°) Garland Goins, (7°) Satrohan N. Singh, (8°) Brent Delahoussaye, (9°) Drop 23, LLC, (10°) Susan K. Love
Criadores: (1°) Margie K. Averett, (2°) Linda P. Sebastien, (3°) Margie Averett, (4°) Margie K. Averett, (5°) Paul Marceaux, (6°) Garland Goins & Andre Simpson, (7°) Walter Hidalgo, (8°) J. Adcock & Hume Wornall, (9°) Carl Raabe & Loretta Romero, (10°) Becky Winemiller
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