Retiros: (0)Come On Nancy, (0)Crowned Style, (0)Full Fleet
Tiempo: 1.22.02 1300m Arena (Regular)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(6) Just You Wait
(4) Kilasa
(5) Promise Tender
(6-4) 85.50 - 32957
(6-4-5) 486.00 - 21411
(6-4-5-10) 579.88 - 16451
Favorito: (7)Fasten
Mandiles: 6, 4, 5, 10, 7, 1, 2, 8, 9
Jinetes: (1°) Emanuel Nieves, (2°) Paulina Ramirez, (3°) Thomas L. Pompell, (4°) Timothy Thornton, (5°) Diego Saenz, (6°) Chris R. Rosier, (7°) Alexander Castillo, (7°) Joel Dominguez, (9°) Jarred Journet
Preparadores: (1°) Justin Jeansonne, (2°) Isai V. Gonzalez, (3°) Henry R. Dunn, (4°) Karl Broberg, (5°) Patrick Devereux, Jr., (6°) Lee Thomas, (7°) Rafael Gomez, (7°) Allen Milligan, (9°) Gerard Perron
Studs: (1°) Ming Yan Ng, (2°) Larry Cascio, (3°) Henry Ray Dunn, (4°) Kristopher G. Dennis, (5°) RKP Ranch LLC and Craven, M. Lane, (6°) Celia Smith, (7°) J.E. Nichols, (7°) Keene Thoroughbreds LLC, (9°) Gerard Perron
Criadores: (1°) Jack Huckabay, (2°) James D Robbins and Co & Gentry Farms, (3°) Mary Elizabeth Stovall, (4°) Carolyn Nolan & Samuel Breaux, (5°) Lance B. Frederick, Todd Frederick & Phoenix Farm and Racing LLC, (6°) Celia Smith, (7°) J. E. Nichols, (7°) Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Kaster, (9°) Gerard Perron
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