Jinetes: (1°) Timothy Thornton, (2°) Joel Dominguez, (3°) Sergio Munoz, (4°) Kelvin Arana, (5°) Juan P. Vargas, (5°) Alex Birzer, (7°) Jansen Melancon, (8°) Elio J. Barrera, (9°) Johan Rengifo
Preparadores: (1°) Abel Ramirez-Rodriguez, (2°) Jonas Gibson, (3°) Cesar Govea, (4°) Ronnie P. Ward, (5°) Ronnie Averett, (5°) Michael Hewitt, (7°) Phillip M. Dison, (8°) Jayde J. Gelner, (9°) Tim Dixon
Studs: (1°) Mark Hixson David, (2°) Blake Morgan, (3°) L and G Racing Stables, (4°) Joe and Betty Gillis, (5°) Gerald L. Averett, Jr., (5°) Workman Ranch, (7°) Indian Creek Thoroughbred Farm, LLC (Phillip Mark Dison), (8°) Norman Stables, LLC (Robbie Norman) and Mark Norman, (9°) Chavers, Hayden and Chavers, Madison
Criadores: (1°) Southern Legacy Thoroughbreds, LLC, (2°) St. Elias Stables, LLC, (3°) Joe A. Castillo, (4°) Autry Big Aut Farms, (5°) Gerald L Averett Jr., (5°) John Thiel & Libbie E. Thiel, (7°) Marianna's Fate Inc., (8°) Mr. & Mrs. Angel Lopez, (9°) Miguel A. Silva
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