Jinetes: (1°) Harry Hernandez, (2°) Iram V. Diego, (3°) Isaac Castillo, (4°) Rene Diaz, (5°) Obed Sanchez, (6°) Stewart Elliott, (7°) David Cabrera
Preparadores: (1°) Abel Ramirez-Rodriguez, (2°) Mark C. Lee, (3°) Ingrid Mason, (4°) Patrick Fields, (5°) Tonja Wilson, (6°) Kevin Scholl, (7°) Abel Ramirez-Rodriguez
Studs: (1°) Timothy C. Guidry, (2°) Ward Bros (Ronnie Ward), (3°) Danny R. Caldwell, (4°) Patrick Fields, (5°) Carrie Robertson, (6°) Jeffry L. Puryear and Julie Puryear, (7°) End Zone Athletics, Inc. (Karl Broberg and Matt Johanson)
Criadores: (1°) Joe Parker, (2°) Westwind Farms, (3°) William S. Sparks & Time Will Tell, LLC, (4°) WinStar Farm, LLC & Larry B. Taylor, (5°) University Of Kentucky, (6°) Stoneview Farm Inc., (7°) Bryan Hawk
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