Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" For Three Year Olds And Upward (3a+) 1700m Arena (Rápida) 14:55 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $28.600 Claiming (Máx): CAD $7.500 Claiming (Min): CAD $7.000
CAD $8.889 al 1ro - CAD $4.195 al 2do - CAD $2.307 al 3ro - CAD $889 al 4to - CAD $444 al 5to - CAD $367 al 6to - CAD $367 al 7mo - CAD $367 al 8vo - CAD $367 al 9no
Jinetes: (1°) Keveh Nicholls, (2°) Daisuke Fukumoto, (3°) Ryan Munger, (4°) Da-Sean Zavier Gaskin, (5°) Leo Salles, (6°) Jason Hoyte, (7°) Jose Luis Campos, (8°) Eswan Flores, (9°) Emma-Jayne Wilson
Preparadores: (1°) Andrew Smith, (2°) Judith R. Pottins, (3°) Robert P. Tiller, (4°) Norman McKnight, (5°) Anthony Adamo, (6°) Kathy Patton, (7°) Michael Glazier, (8°) Sarah Ritchie, (9°) Santino C. DiPaola
Studs: (1°) Andrew G. Smith, (2°) Shortstop Stable, (3°) Rolph A. Davis, (4°) Knightquest Stables, Inc. and Scime, Carmelo J., (5°) ICON Racing Stables, (6°) Tom Patton and Kathy Patton, (7°) Stetsco Inc, Everblack Cattle Co. Ltd. and Beckham Ranch, (8°) MDL Racing, Cooper, Paul and Ritchie, Sarah, (9°) York Tech Racing Stable and Mario Giorgio
Criadores: (1°) BHMFR, LLC, (2°) Judith Pottins DVM & H. Pottins, (3°) Dr. Rolph A. Davis, (4°) Ralph Biamonte, (5°) John F. Dorrian, (6°) Marion G. Montanari, (7°) Live Oak Stud, (8°) Claiborne Farm, (9°) Anderson Farms Ont. Inc.
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