Jinetes: (1°) Oscar Villarreal, (2°) Eduardo E. Perez, (3°) Fernando De La Cruz, (4°) Edgar Morales, (5°) Samuel E. Bermudez, (6°) Evin A. Roman, (7°) Rodney A. Prescott, (8°) Santo Sanjur
Preparadores: (1°) John Haran, (2°) Robert M. Gorham, (3°) Randy Matthews, (4°) Anthony J. Granitz, (5°) Andrew C. Brown, (6°) John Haran, (7°) Randy Matthews, (8°) Michael E. Lauer
Studs: (1°) Haran Thoroughbreds LLC (John F. Haran), (2°) Marion F. Gorham, (3°) Patrick D. Donahoe, (4°) Bob Dhondt, Rod O'Kelley and Anthony J. Granitz, (5°) Andrew C. Brown, (6°) Haran Thoroughbreds LLC (John F. Haran), (7°) William Reynolds, Charles Farrell and Karen Matthews, (8°) Penny Lauer S.
Criadores: (1°) Steven West & Sharon E. Baker, (2°) Dawn Martin, (3°) Patrick D. Donahoe, (4°) Justice Farm, Greg Justice, (5°) Andy Brown, (6°) Jonas Schwartz, (7°) Mr. & Mrs. Randal Daniel Matthews & Mr. & Mrs. Charles Michael Farr, (8°) Michael E. Lauer & Penny S. Lauer
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