Jinetes: (1°) Jose Lezcano, (2°) Luis R. Rivera, Jr., (3°) Javier Castellano, (4°) Luis Saez, (5°) Dylan Davis, (6°) Tyler Gaffalione, (7°) Ricardo Santana, Jr.
Preparadores: (1°) John C. Kimmel, (2°) Jennifer Paragallo, (3°) Bruce N. Levine, (4°) Keri Brion, (5°) Oscar S. Barrera, III, (6°) Kathleen A. Demasi, (7°) Charlton Baker
Studs: (1°) John McClutchy, (2°) LUNA Racing Stable, (3°) Valente, Roddy, J., (4°) Three Diamonds Farm, (5°) Heart of a Warrior Racing, (6°) Demasi, Kathleen A. and Sardello, David, (7°) Corms Racing Stable and On The Rise Again Stable
Criadores: (1°) John McClutchy & Shamrock RacingEnterprises, (2°) Monhill Farm, LLC, (3°) R. J. Valente, (4°) Three Diamonds Farm, (5°) Fazio Stables, LLC, (6°) Fred W. Hertrich III & John D. Fielding, (7°) Dr. Jerry Bilinski & Mr. & Mrs. Richard P Farnan Jr.
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