Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" For four year olds and upward (4a+) 1400m Arena (Rápida) 13:45 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $75.000 Claiming: USD $50.000
USD $48.780 al 1ro - USD $17.260 al 2do - USD $8.630 al 3ro - USD $4.315 al 4to - USD $2.589 al 5to - USD $1.201 al 6to - USD $1.201 al 7mo - USD $1.199 al 8vo
Jinetes: (1°) Luis Saez, (2°) Axel Concepcion, (3°) Jane Elliott, (4°) Rafael Bejarano, (5°) Cristian A. Torres, (6°) Jareth Loveberry, (7°) Jose L. Ortiz, (8°) Jaime A. Torres
Preparadores: (1°) Michael J. Maker, (2°) Randy L. Morse, (3°) Albert M. Stall, Jr., (4°) Troy Newton, (5°) Thomas D. Vance, (6°) Neil L. Pessin, (7°) Eddie Kenneally, (8°) Rey Hernandez
Studs: (1°) Michael Dubb and Douglas Nachman, (2°) Randy Patterson, (3°) John McCulloch, (4°) Jack Armstrong J., (5°) Linda and Michael J. Mazoch, (6°) Neil Pessin L., (7°) Eddie Kenneally and Barry Schumer, (8°) Orr, Ed and Orr, Susie
Criadores: (1°) Steve J. Grant, (2°) White Fox Farm, (3°) John McCulloch, (4°) John A. O' Meara, (5°) TK Stables LLC, (6°) Lothenbach Stables Inc, (7°) Dr. T. A. Morrison, (8°) Philip J. Steinberg
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