Jinetes: (1°) Ronald Ali, (2°) Neville Stephenson, (3°) Prayven Badrie, (4°) Dane Dawkins, (5°) Shavon Belle, (6°) Rachaad Knights, (7°) Antonio Whitehall, (8°) Dario Dalrymple
Preparadores: (1°) Mike Taphorn, (2°) Mike Taphorn, (3°) Devon Gittens, (4°) Maria Stanford, (5°) Devon Gittens, (6°) Tom Gardipy, Jr., (7°) Tom Gardipy, Jr., (8°) Curtis Maxwell
Studs: (1°) Staffmax Stable and Club 3 D Stable, (2°) Naherniak, Garry, Gullas, Daymon, Gray, Rheanne and Ledoux, Dave, (3°) Hughes, Dr. Betty, (4°) Hedy Kling, (5°) Johnson, Frank, Kutny, Stephanie and Gittens, Devon, (6°) Lambert, Jerry and Mathews, Lynn, (7°) Lambert, Jerry and Mathews, Lynn, (8°) BLACK SOX STABLE, Final - Final Stable and Wallace, Pat
Criadores: (1°) Cam Ziprick & Charles Fouillard, (2°) Vailla Kay Butler, (3°) Dr. Betty Hughes, (4°) Hedy Joanna Kling, (5°) Dr. Betty Hughes, (6°) Jerry Lambert & Lynn Mathews, (7°) Jerry Lambert & Lynn Mathews, (8°) Watson Bay Stables
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