Jinetes: (1°) Alex Birzer, (2°) Alberto Pusac, (3°) Kevin Roman, (4°) Ken S. Tohill, (5°) Walter De La Cruz, (6°) Elvin Gonzalez, (7°) Tyler W. Bacon
Preparadores: (1°) Jon G. Arnett, (2°) Kevin Eikleberry, (3°) Tom Wellington, (4°) Timothy E. Martin, (5°) Doug L. Anderson, (6°) Tanner Tracy, (7°) Jon G. Arnett
Studs: (1°) Danny Stafford, (2°) Brian Hall and Poindexter Thoroughbreds, LLC, (3°) Thompson, Maynard and Lawless, John, (4°) Jashua Robinson and Timothy E. Martin, (5°) Linda Bush, (6°) Mercy Man Racing (Dylan Robson), (7°) Larry D. Hagemeier
Criadores: (1°) H. Allen Poindexter, (2°) H. Allen Poindexter, (3°) Maynard Thompson, (4°) Iowa State University, (5°) Girl Power Racing LLC, (6°) Joseph Robson Thoroughbreds, (7°) Larry Hagemeier
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