Allowance Optional Claiming (Aoc) Pr. "Allowance Optional Claiming" For Three Year Olds And Upward (3a+) 1000m Arena (Rápida) 22:25 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $16.500 Claiming: CAD $10.000
CAD $7.266 al 1ro - CAD $2.422 al 2do - CAD $1.211 al 3ro - CAD $606 al 4to - CAD $363 al 5to - CAD $183 al 6to - CAD $183 al 7mo - CAD $183 al 8vo - CAD $183 al 9no
Jinetes: (1°) Prayven Badrie, (2°) Renaldo Cumberbatch, (3°) Antonio Whitehall, (4°) Sven Balroop, (5°) Javaniel R. Patterson, (6°) Dane Dawkins, (7°) Damario Bynoe, (8°) Sachin Parris, (9°) Arthur Budhu
Preparadores: (1°) Mike Taphorn, (2°) Marvin Buffalo, (3°) Shelley Brown, (4°) Jerry Gourneau, (5°) Carl Norman Anderson, (6°) Jared Brown, (7°) Wendy Anderson, (8°) Victoria Morse, (9°) Lise Pruitt
Studs: (1°) My Three Niece's Stable and Kyle Hiebert, (2°) Marvin & Deb Buffalo, Laverne Swason and Double Dz Stables, (3°) Darcy Peterson, (4°) Henry S. Witt, Jr., (5°) 2 Points Ranch, (6°) Jared Brown or John Ganas, (7°) Wind Dancer Stable, (8°) Ray Blasetti, (9°) Arnason Farms
Criadores: (1°) Lance Colwell, (2°) Shortleaf Stable, (3°) Adam Parker & Suzette Parker, (4°) Mr. & Mrs. James W. Rogers, (5°) Tall Oaks Farm, (6°) JMJ Racing Stables LLC, (7°) Rockingham Ranch, (8°) Starline Thoroughbreds, (9°) Cam Ziprick & Charles Fouillard
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