Jinetes: (1°) Alex M. Cruz, (2°) Karlo Lopez, (3°) Carlos Montalvo, (4°) Luis R. Reyes, (5°) Silvio R. Amador, (6°) Kevin E. Orozco
Preparadores: (1°) Charles Essex, (2°) Scott Tubbs, (3°) Tom Wenzel, (4°) Justin R. Evans, (5°) Blaine D. Wright, (6°) Frank Lucarelli
Studs: (1°) Dave and The Little Lady Stable, (2°) Alex Ortega, Jr. or Vincent Ortega, (3°) Fleur De Lis Stable, (4°) Bryon Seymore, (5°) Stubblefield, Thomas B. and Stubblefield, Susan, (6°) Two Putts for the Win, Gary and Maureen Hallett
Criadores: (1°) Dave Olson & Linda Olson, (2°) Terry C. Lovingier, (3°) Raymond Kwik & Paul Goldberg, (4°) Christina Stewart & Ben Leto, (5°) Thomas Stubblefield, (6°) Connie Belshay
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