Allowance (Alw) Pr. "Allowance" For accredited la bred four year olds and upward which have never won three races (4a+g) 1600m Arena (Rápida) 12:00 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $59.000
USD $35.400 al 1ro - USD $11.800 al 2do - USD $6.490 al 3ro - USD $3.540 al 4to - USD $1.770 al 5to
Jinetes: (1°) Jose Luis Rodriguez, (2°) C.J. McMahon, (3°) Marcelino Pedroza, (4°) Rohan R. Singh, (5°) Edgar Morales, (6°) Jareth Loveberry, (7°) Corey J. Lanerie
Preparadores: (1°) Benard Chatters, (2°) Emile Schwandt, (3°) Sam B. David, Jr., (4°) Darla S. Singh, (5°) Shane Wilson, (6°) Allen Landry, (7°) Allen Landry
Studs: (1°) Metoyer, Rand and Chatters, Benard, (2°) George Malley, (3°) Steve Landry, John Duvieilh, Earl and Keith Hernandez, (4°) Natalie Singh, (5°) Brittlyn Stable, Inc., (6°) Jerry T. Wheeler, (7°) Lester Bourque
Criadores: (1°) Rand S. Metoyer & Benard Chatters, (2°) Wayne Sanders & Larry Hirsch, (3°) Earl Hernandez, Keith Hernandez, JohnDuvieilh & Steve Landry, (4°) Natalie Singh, (5°) Brittlyn Stables, Inc., (6°) Coule Croche Thorougbreds, LLC, (7°) Orange Grove Thoroughbreds, Inc.
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