Jinetes: (1°) Thomas L. Pompell, (2°) Carlos Lozada, (3°) Juan P. Vargas, (4°) Jansen Melancon, (5°) Kevin Roman, (6°) Timothy Thornton, (7°) Efigenio G. Ruiz, (8°) Edward Santiago, (9°) Joel Dominguez, (10°) Marlon Delcid
Preparadores: (1°) Brett A. Brinkman, (2°) Edith A. Mojica, (3°) Rosa E. Ramirez, (4°) Randy Degeyter, Jr., (5°) Federico Villafranco, (6°) Karl Broberg, (7°) Isai V. Gonzalez, (8°) Judy Beavin, (9°) Isai V. Gonzalez, (10°) Eric D. Nelson, Jr.
Studs: (1°) Michael Martin, LLC (Michael Martin), (2°) Mojica Stables, Inc. (Edith Mojica and Alfredo Mojica), (3°) Ramirez Racing, (4°) Michael S Darby, (5°) Daniel J. Williams, (6°) End Zone Athletics, Inc. (Karl Broberg and Matt Johanson), (7°) GSH Stable LLC, (8°) Judy Beavin, (9°) Cavello Veloce Stables (Tom Paltani), (10°) Steve Crowe
Criadores: (1°) Michael L Martin, LLC, (2°) David N. Meche & Perry J. Judice, (3°) Wesley Melcher, (4°) Marablue Farm LLC, (5°) Harris Farms, (6°) John W. Phillips, Phillips Racing Partnership, Hank Snowden & Lynn Snowden, (7°) James Mann, (8°) Henry B Johnson Jr. & Robert E. HibbertII, (9°) Pete Yutmeyer & Susan Yutmeyer, (10°) Andrew J. Cascio
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