Jinetes: (1°) Vicente Del-Cid, (2°) Joe Stokes, (3°) Timothy Thornton, (4°) Kevin Roman, (5°) Edward Santiago, (6°) Louis A. Stokes, (7°) Thomas L. Pompell, (8°) Carlos Lozada, (9°) Joel Dominguez, (10°) Chris R. Rosier
Preparadores: (1°) Eduardo Ramirez, (2°) Matthew F. Lorefice, (3°) Karl Broberg, (4°) Mark N. Hibdon, (5°) Michael Hewitt, (6°) Henry West, Jr., (7°) Ronnie P. Ward, (8°) Donald Melancon, (9°) Isai V. Gonzalez, (10°) Karl Broberg
Studs: (1°) Brandon Hebert, (2°) Bruce Rafferty, (3°) End Zone Athletics, Inc. (Karl Broberg and Matt Johanson), (4°) Mark N. Hibdon, (5°) Chavers, Hayden and Chavers, Madison, (6°) Latonya Hawkins, (7°) Joe and Betty Gillis, (8°) Donald Melancon, (9°) GSH Stable LLC, (10°) End Zone Athletics, Inc. (Karl Broberg and Matt Johanson)
Criadores: (1°) Jack Dickerson & Buddy Formby, (2°) Larry Whitaker & Charlene Whitaker, (3°) Channon Farm, LLC, (4°) Brent Fernung & Crystal Fernung, (5°) Miguel A. Silva, (6°) Clear Creek Stud LLC, (7°) Autry Big Aut Farms, (8°) Matthews Thoroughbred Farm, (9°) Klein Racing, (10°) Orange Grove Thoroughbreds, Inc.
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