Jinetes: (1°) Emanuel Nieves, (2°) Reylu Gutierrez, (3°) Deshawn L. Parker, (4°) Jose Luis Rodriguez, (5°) Jose A. Guerrero, (6°) Jose Riquelme, (7°) Kylie Wellington, (8°) Serafin Carmona, (9°) Oriel Chavez, (10°) C.J. McMahon
Preparadores: (1°) Joe O. Duhon, (2°) W. B. Calhoun, (3°) Miguel A. Silva, (4°) Glenn Delahoussaye, (5°) Shane Wilson, (6°) Marcus J. Vitali, (7°) Nathan D. Hatcher, (8°) Kevin M. Williams, (9°) Larry Necaise, (10°) Carol Constantine
Studs: (1°) JRita Young Thoroughbreds, LLC (Everett E. and Rita Young), (2°) Kirk, Kat and Sanders, Wayne R., (3°) Silva Racing LLC (Miguel Silva), (4°) Loren McNeely, (5°) Kevin B. Fontenot, (6°) Crossed Sabres Farm LLC, (7°) Corey Hatcher, (8°) Kevin M. Williams, Jr., (9°) Larry Necaise, (10°) Linda Boyd
Criadores: (1°) JRita Young Thoroughbreds, LLC, (2°) Mike Abraham, (3°) Scott Pierce, (4°) Perform Stables Inc., (5°) Gelfenstein Farm, (6°) Carolyn Vogel, (7°) Paul Pruett & Lindsay R. Syler, (8°) Calumet Farm, (9°) Larry Necaise, (10°) Taylor Made Stallions, Inc.
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