Jinetes: (1°) Vicente Del-Cid, (2°) Joel Dominguez, (3°) Jansen Melancon, (4°) Devin H. Magnon, (5°) Elio J. Barrera, (6°) Juan P. Vargas, (7°) Marlon Delcid, (8°) Casey Fusilier, (9°) Timothy Thornton
Preparadores: (1°) Chasey D. Pomier, (2°) Carl J. Woodley, (3°) Carrol Castille, (4°) Allen Landry, (5°) Ronnie Averett, (6°) Jonah Fuselier, (7°) Ronnie Averett, (8°) Jeffery A. Reeves, Jr., (9°) Alan Klanfer
Studs: (1°) Bruno, Jr., Gerald, Pomier, Chasey Deville and Our Blue Streaks Stable, (2°) Dwayne Gallineau, (3°) Whispering Oaks Farm, LLC (Carrol Castille), (4°) Hat Racing LLC (Henry Latiolas and Todd Stelly), (5°) Long Mile, LLC(L. Ainsworth, D. Adroin, and P. Hays), (6°) Lyman Fleniken, Jr. L., (7°) Chris Daughdrill, (8°) Reeves, Jeffery A. and Reeves, Jr., Jeffery A., (9°) Klein Racing
Criadores: (1°) Coulee Croche Thor., LLC & TracieCrochet, (2°) Perry Martin & Denise Martin, (3°) Carrol J. Castille, (4°) Adcock's Red River Farm, LLC & J. Adcock, (5°) Gerald L. Averett Jr., (6°) Lyman L. Fleniken Jr., (7°) Gerald L. Averett Jr., (8°) Jeffery Allen Reeves Jr. & Jeffery A.Reeves Sr., (9°) Klein Racing
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