Jinetes: (1°) Gerard Melancon, (2°) Jareth Loveberry, (3°) Aubrie Green, (4°) Jaime A. Torres, (5°) Alexander Castillo, (6°) Treylon S Albert, (7°) Reylu Gutierrez, (8°) Serafin Carmona, (9°) Olaf Hernandez, (10°) C.J. McMahon, (11°) Angel Suarez
Preparadores: (1°) Emile Schwandt, (2°) Justin Jeansonne, (3°) Eduardo Rodriguez, (4°) Steven M. Asmussen, (5°) Karl Broberg, (6°) Sarah Delany, (7°) Marcus J. Vitali, (8°) Steven Duke, (9°) Javier Hernandez, (10°) Joe O. Duhon, (11°) Joe O. Duhon
Studs: (1°) Mark Fletcher Taylor, (2°) Rodney Virgadamo and Keith Bonura, (3°) Gabriela Segoviano, (4°) Steven M. Asmussen, (5°) End Zone Athletics, Inc. (Karl Broberg and Matt Johanson), (6°) Kirk Rovinsky, (7°) Crossed Sabres Farm LLC, (8°) Steve Duke and Todd Dick, (9°) Maribel Delgado, (10°) Dream Walkin Farms, Inc., (11°) Salome, Robert Joseph and Salome, Dana
Criadores: (1°) James J. Crupi & Russell DePetrillo, (2°) Cloyce C. Clark, (3°) Russell De Petrillo Sr. & L. Jerry Johnson, (4°) Gabe Grossberg, (5°) Bob Horton, Rae Horton & Charles Middleton, (6°) Gary and Mary West Stable, Inc., (7°) Brereton C. Jones & Bret Jones, (8°) Christine D. Early, (9°) Arthur A. Coontz, (10°) Dream Walkin Farms, Inc., (11°) PTS Ranch, LLC
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