Jinetes: (1°) Ken S. Tohill, (2°) Luis A. Valenzuela, (3°) Karlo Lopez, (4°) Kody Kellenberger, (5°) Luis R. Rodriguez, (6°) J. C. Villanueva, (7°) Jorge Carreno, (8°) Rodolfo Guerra, (9°) Daniel P. Vergara, (10°) Ernesto Valdez-Jiminez
Preparadores: (1°) Kevin Eikleberry, (2°) Jesus Rondan Jr., (3°) Casey T. Lambert, (4°) Dick Cappellucci, (5°) Arturo Chavez, (6°) Guadalupe Munoz, Jr., (7°) Francisco M. Gonzalez, (8°) Esteban Martinez, (9°) Sal Gonzalez, (10°) Casey T. Lambert
Studs: (1°) Eugene Schroder, Larry C. Porter and Caleb Bullock, (2°) Branson, Scott and Vasquez, Jimmy, (3°) Margaret Griego, (4°) Glen Robertson, (5°) Juan Rodriguez, (6°) Gerardo Acosta, (7°) Alvaro Olguin Romero, (8°) Amerland, Eric and Nyland, Mike, (9°) Tricar Stables, Inc. (Daniel Cardenas et al), (10°) Jerry Cannon
Criadores: (1°) Caleb Bullock, (2°) Jane Wiggins, (3°) Peggy Marshall Griego, (4°) Glen Robertson, (5°) Juan Rodriguez, (6°) Gerardo Acosta, (7°) Mike Abraham, (8°) Pinot Noir Stables & Mike Nyland, (9°) Tricar Stables Inc, (10°) Jane Wiggins
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