Clásico (Cl) Pr. "Golden State Juvenile Fillies S." For fillies two year olds (h2a) 1400m Arena (Rápida) 12:05 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $175.000
USD $99.750 al 1ro - USD $33.250 al 2do - USD $21.000 al 3ro - USD $10.500 al 4to - USD $7.000 al 5to - USD $3.500 al 6to - USD $500 al 7mo - USD $500 al 8vo - USD $500 al 9no - USD $500 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Frank T. Alvarado, (2°) Ricardo Ramirez, (3°) Mike E. Smith, (4°) Antonio Fresu, (5°) Mario Gutierrez, (6°) Flavien Prat, (7°) Kent J. Desormeaux, (8°) Tiago J. Pereira, (9°) Lanfranco Dettori, (10°) Umberto Rispoli
Preparadores: (1°) Steven Specht, (2°) Alfred M. Vuocolo, (3°) Gary Mandella, (4°) Peter Eurton, (5°) Antonio Garcia, (6°) Peter Miller, (7°) Jeff Bonde, (8°) Steve Knapp, (9°) Doug F. O'Neill, (10°) Alfredo P. Marquez
Studs: (1°) Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Larry D., (2°) Rodas, III, Victor M., Rodas, Holly and Garcia, Oscar L., (3°) Thomas Nichols L., (4°) Ciaglia Racing LLC, SAF Racing and Crusberg, Harry A., (5°) Reddam Racing LLC, (6°) CYBT, Rafter JR Ranch LLC, STD Racing Stable and Nentwig, Michael, (7°) Harris Farms, Inc., Stanton or Wedge, et al, (8°) Thomsen Racing, LLC or Halasz, (9°) Reddam Racing LLC, (10°) Valle Las Palmas, LLC, Cannon, Robert T., Goodwin, Kelley and Goodwin, Timothy Wayne
Criadores: (1°) Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Williams, (2°) Reddam Racing, LLC, (3°) Richard Barton Enterprises, (4°) SAF Racing, Ciaglia Racing LLC & H.Crusberg, (5°) Reddam Racing, LLC, (6°) Reddam Racing, LLC, (7°) Harris Farms, (8°) Terry C. Lovingier, (9°) Reddam Racing, LLC, (10°) Harris Farms & Donald Valpredo
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