Jinetes: (1°) Felipe Valdez, (2°) Tracy J. Hebert, (3°) Miguel T. Fuentes, Jr., (4°) Rodolfo Guerra, (5°) Karlo Lopez, (6°) Alfredo J. Juarez, Jr., (7°) Luis A. Valenzuela
Preparadores: (1°) Todd W. Fincher, (2°) Todd W. Fincher, (3°) Joel H. Marr, (4°) Danny Morales, (5°) Todd W. Fincher, (6°) Bennie L. Woolley, Jr., (7°) Arturo Chavez
Studs: (1°) R. Lee Lewis and Brad E. King, (2°) Robison, J. Kirk and Judy, (3°) V Bar V Racing, LLC. (Jim Volk et al), (4°) Larry E. Young, (5°) Robison, J. Kirk and Judy, (6°) Kao, Rose A., Shaw, Odell and Shaw, Linda, (7°) Marisela Villa
Criadores: (1°) Lee Lewis & Brad King, (2°) J. Kirk and Judy Robison and Downstream Racing LLC, (3°) Jim Volk, (4°) Larry E. Young, (5°) J. Kirk and Judy Robison and Downstream Racing LLC, (6°) Rose Ann Kao, (7°) R D Hubbard
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