Jinetes: (1°) Angel Suarez, (2°) Sergio Munoz, (3°) Thomas L. Pompell, (4°) Juan P. Vargas, (5°) Vicente Del-Cid, (6°) C.J. McMahon, (7°) Jansen Melancon, (8°) Joel Dominguez, (9°) Alexis X. Batista, (10°) Jose Luis Rodriguez
Preparadores: (1°) Patricia G. West, (2°) Garland Goins, (3°) Brett A. Brinkman, (4°) Patrick Devereux, Jr., (5°) W. B. Calhoun, (6°) W. B. Calhoun, (7°) Carrol Castille, (8°) Allen Landry, (9°) Nicholas Latour, (10°) Ronnie Averett
Studs: (1°) Thomas Galvin, (2°) Garland Goins, (3°) Clear Creek Stud LLC, (4°) Brava Stables LLC (John Tavormina and Neil Leibman), (5°) Love Partnership Interests, LP (Kenneth, Allison and Wyatt Love), (6°) N 2 Win Racing and Calhoun, W. Bret, (7°) Whispering Oaks Farm, LLC (Carrol Castille), (8°) John F. Earles, (9°) Nicholas J. Latour, (10°) Wayne J. Simpson
Criadores: (1°) Thomas M. Galvin, (2°) John R Cunningham & Chad White, (3°) Roderick Gex, (4°) Farm d'Allie Racing Stable, (5°) Love Partnership Interests, L. P., (6°) Coteau Grove Farms, LLC, (7°) Carl James Mathieu Sr., (8°) Lora Pitre, (9°) Aleta Camperlengo Overby, (10°) Wayne Simpson
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