Jinetes: (1°) Mychel J. Sanchez, (2°) Luis A. Rodriguez Castro, (3°) Jeremy Laprida, (4°) Anthony Y. Nunez, (5°) Adam Bowman, (6°) Abner Adorno, (7°) Paco Lopez
Preparadores: (1°) Steve Klesaris, (2°) Clarence B. King, (3°) Alan Bedard, (4°) Louis C. Linder, Jr., (5°) Harold Wyner, (6°) John C. Servis, (7°) Michael C. Aro
Studs: (1°) Hibiscus Stables and Klesaris, Steve, (2°) William Discala, (3°) A P Stable and Fox Tale Racing Stable, (4°) Bran Jam Stable and Clark, David W., (5°) Hillary Racing Stable, (6°) Main Line Racing Stables, (7°) 2 G Racing Stable
Criadores: (1°) Ginny McKinlay, et al. LLC, (2°) Barry R. Ostrager, (3°) Breeze Easy, LLC, (4°) Best Foot Forward, LLC, (5°) Christine M. Brown, (6°) Equivine Farm LLC, (7°) Jonathan Sheppard
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