Jinetes: (1°) Elvin Gonzalez, (2°) Alex Birzer, (3°) Glenn W. Corbett, (4°) Ramsey Zimmerman, (5°) Armando Martinez, (6°) Kylie Wellington, (7°) Alberto Pusac
Preparadores: (1°) Schuyler Condon, (2°) Jon G. Arnett, (3°) Schuyler Condon, (4°) Salvador Arceo, (5°) Kelli Martinez, (6°) Schuyler Condon, (7°) Larry D. Donlin, Jr.
Studs: (1°) Christian Schmohr, Jackie Berke and Mitch Berke, (2°) Kelly's Racing, LLC, (3°) Schuyler Condon and Travis Kuenning, (4°) Roy Reinke, (5°) D and L Farms (Lee Burghardt), (6°) Condon, Schuyler and Petersen, John, (7°) Larry D. Donlin, Jr.
Criadores: (1°) Albaugh Family Stable, LLC, (2°) Halls Family Trust, (3°) Keene Ridge Racing, LLC, (4°) Terry Eoff & Johnny Evans, (5°) Tommy G. Ligon, (6°) Graydar Syndicate & Runaway BloodstockLLC, (7°) David J. Lanzman Racing, Inc.
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