Jinetes: (1°) Jeremias Flores, (2°) Emanuel De Diego, (3°) Michael A. Davila, Jr., (4°) Joel Sone, (5°) Jacqueline A. Davis, (6°) Oscar Gomez, (7°) Kevin Navarro, (8°) J. M. Rohena
Preparadores: (1°) John Tebbutt, (2°) Michael T. Sabine, (3°) Luis Gutierrez, (4°) Rachel Sells, (5°) Karl M. Grusmark, (6°) Debra A. Breed, (7°) Carlos V. Dominguez, (8°) Ramon Vazquez, Sr.
Studs: (1°) Schatzel, Edwin, J., (2°) Michael T. Sabine and Melissa Sabine, (3°) Luis Gutierrez, (4°) Frank Fiumera and Come What May Racing (), (5°) David Cramer and Triple B Stables, LLC (Ryter), (6°) CB TBREDS, LLC, (7°) Carlos V. Dominguez, (8°) Harris J. Dukes
Criadores: (1°) Jaime Ramirez, (2°) Mike T. Sabine, (3°) Irish Hill Century Farm, (4°) Harvey A. Clarke Racing Stable LLC, (5°) McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds, LLC, (6°) Carl Buhr, (7°) Graph-Racing, (8°) Shelia Englehart
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