Jinetes: (1°) C.J. McMahon, (2°) Pedro L. Cotto, Jr., (3°) Paulina Ramirez, (4°) Joe Stokes, (5°) Vicente Del-Cid, (6°) Joel Dominguez, (7°) Timothy Thornton
Preparadores: (1°) Steven B. Flint, (2°) Ricky Courville, (3°) Cynthia Morrell, (4°) Allen Landry, (5°) Patti Turner, (6°) Winston Cormier, (7°) Samuel Breaux
Studs: (1°) Whispering Oaks Farm, LLC (Carrol Castille), (2°) Stelly Stables LLC, (3°) Arthur Morrell, (4°) Brooke Guidry, (5°) Patti Turner, (6°) Winston Cormier and Russell Mire, (7°) Clyde P. Moran, Jr.
Criadores: (1°) Carrol J Castille, (2°) Stelly Stables L.L.C., (3°) Cynthia Hedge Morrell &Arthur Anthony Morrell, (4°) R. Davis & Associates, (5°) Carrol J. Castille & Estate of AllenGuillotte Sr, (6°) Wayne Simpson, (7°) Margie K. Averett
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