Jinetes: (1°) Emanuel Nieves, (2°) Brian J. Hernandez, Jr., (3°) Colby J. Hernandez, (4°) Treylon S Albert, (5°) Jose Luis Rodriguez, (6°) Sofia Barandela, (7°) James Graham, (8°) Jareth Loveberry, (9°) Deshawn L. Parker, (10°) Edgar Morales
Preparadores: (1°) Joe O. Duhon, (2°) Michael A. Tomlinson, (3°) Michelle Lovell, (4°) Keith G. Bourgeois, (5°) Shane Wilson, (6°) Joe Lejzerowicz, (7°) Bobby C. Barnett, (8°) Brian Williamson, (9°) Patricia G. West, (10°) Michelle Lovell
Studs: (1°) Salome, Robert Joseph and Salome, Dana, (2°) Ralph Kinder, Erv Woolsey, Michael A. Tomlinson and Mark Farrar, (3°) Talmadge V. Hays and Timir Banerjee, (4°) South Central Stables (Clyde Taylor), (5°) Wayne T. Davis, (6°) Randy Jill Gootzeit, (7°) Russata Stables (James Metzger) and Orbin Green, (8°) Tauber, Brady, Gordon, Steve and Vanier, Nancy A., (9°) Thomas Galvin, (10°) Billy Lawson and Jeanne Doi
Criadores: (1°) Redmon Farm, (2°) Ralph Kinder, Erv Woolsey, MikeTomlinson & Mark Farrar, (3°) Talmadge Vee Hays MD, (4°) Cypress Bend Farm, (5°) Kenneth L Ramsey & Sarah K Ramsey, (6°) Twin Creeks Farm, (7°) Gary Broad, (8°) Nancy Vanier, Brady Tauber & Steve Gordon, (9°) Burleson Farms, (10°) Johnson, Galvin & Flounders
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