Jinetes: (1°) Vicente Del-Cid, (2°) Timothy Thornton, (3°) Thomas L. Pompell, (4°) Jose A. Guerrero, (5°) Hugo Torres, (6°) Elio J. Barrera, (7°) Joel Dominguez
Preparadores: (1°) Patti Turner, (2°) Eddie Gallaway, (3°) Lee Thomas, (4°) Tim Dixon, (5°) Jorge Lara, (6°) Shelton J. Zenon, Sr., (7°) Juan A. Larrosa
Studs: (1°) Craig Pool, (2°) Edward R. Gallaway, (3°) Elite Thoroughbred Racing, LLC (Michele Rodriguez), (4°) Jennifer Stewart H., (5°) Terrell Jarrett Jr. and Lara Racing Stables, LLC (Jorge H Lara), (6°) Jose Luis Rico Gonzalez, (7°) L and G Racing Stables
Criadores: (1°) Mike Munna Racing Stables, (2°) Claude D Box, (3°) Michele Rodriguez, (4°) Jennifer Stewart, (5°) I. Lee Lange & Don Credeur, (6°) Russell Dean Louviere, (7°) Ronald McPeek & Christina Reppert
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