Jinetes: (1°) Luis A. Fuentes, (2°) Alejandro Medellin, (3°) Oscar Ceballos, (4°) Alfredo J. Juarez, Jr., (5°) Enrique P. Gomez, (6°) Francisco Amparan, (7°) Felipe Valdez, (8°) Luis R. Rodriguez, (9°) Ken S. Tohill
Preparadores: (1°) Todd W. Fincher, (2°) Andres Gonzalez, (3°) Dallas J. Barton, (4°) Todd W. Fincher, (5°) Casey T. Lambert, (6°) Greg Green, (7°) Todd W. Fincher, (8°) Dick Cappellucci, (9°) Sal Gonzalez
Studs: (1°) Amestoy, Leslie A. and Amestoy, Jr., Pierre Jean, (2°) Stable H.M.A. (Mark Dyer et al), (3°) Andy A. Banegas, (4°) Stevens, Sam E. and Stevens, Sammy L., (5°) Jerry Cannon Tom, (6°) Greg Green, R Dwain Yarbar and Duncan Hamlin, (7°) Mark McCloy and F. Annette McCloy, (8°) Glen Robertson and Bobby J. McQueen, (9°) UKUSA Stables (Larry Nichols et al)
Criadores: (1°) Dan Delaney, (2°) Greg Green & DeLinda Green, (3°) Fred Alexander, (4°) Sam E. Stevens & Sammy L. Stevens, (5°) Leanne Duree, (6°) Greg Green & Dwain Yarbar, (7°) Mark McCloy & Annette McCloy, (8°) Tom Goncharoff & Leslie Goncharoff, (9°) Mr. & Mrs. Larry F Nichols
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