Jinetes: (1°) Timothy Thornton, (2°) Pedro L. Cotto, Jr., (3°) C.J. McMahon, (4°) Gerard Melancon, (5°) Joel Dominguez, (6°) Devin H. Magnon, (7°) Joe Stokes, (8°) Vicente Del-Cid, (9°) Alex Birzer
Preparadores: (1°) Juan A. Larrosa, (2°) Lee Thomas, (3°) Karl Broberg, (4°) Oscar Modica, (5°) Eduardo Ramirez, (6°) Brett A. Brinkman, (7°) Allen Landry, (8°) Eduardo Ramirez, (9°) Keith Charles
Studs: (1°) Jerry Jerman, (2°) Chad Stewart and Anthony Lenci, (3°) End Zone Athletics Inc. (Karl Broberg and Matt Johanson), (4°) Thompson Racing LLC (Stephen Thompson) and OM Racing Stable, LLC, (5°) Roy Savoy, (6°) P. Dale Ladner, (7°) Maximo LaMarche, (8°) Lionel Batiste, Jr. and Brandon Hebert, (9°) Francis Boustany, Jr.
Criadores: (1°) Daniel R Chicola, (2°) Tony Lenci & Chad Stewart, (3°) Michael Martin LLC, (4°) 4M Ranch & Carl Mathieu, Jr, (5°) Lora Pitre, (6°) Spanish Cross Stable, LLC, P. DaleLadner & Allen Chiasson, (7°) Gotcha Mare Covered, LLC, (8°) Channon Farm, LLC, (9°) Circle H Farms
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