Bolsa de Premios: CAD $111.400 Claiming (Máx): CAD $32.000 Claiming (Min): CAD $30.000
CAD $39.267 al 1ro - CAD $16.346 al 2do - CAD $5.996 al 3ro - CAD $3.271 al 4to - CAD $2.452 al 5to - CAD $367 al 6to - CAD $367 al 7mo - CAD $367 al 8vo - CAD $367 al 9no - CAD $367 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (2°) Luis Contreras, (3°) Justin Stein, (4°) Declan Carroll, (5°) Leo Salles, (6°) Kazushi Kimura, (7°) Sahin Civaci, (8°) Daisuke Fukumoto, (9°) Keveh Nicholls, (10°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (11°) David Moran, (12°) Eswan Flores
Preparadores: (1°) Gail Cox, (2°) Julia Carey, (3°) Kevin Attard, (4°) Martin Drexler, (5°) Pat Parente, (6°) Martin Drexler, (7°) Mark E. Casse, (8°) John P. LeBlanc, Jr., (9°) David R. Bell, (10°) Zeljko Krcmar, (11°) Sarah Ritchie, (12°) Michael Mattine
Studs: (1°) Sam-Son Farm, (2°) Goldie Stables & Discovery Racing, (3°) Soli Mehta and Partner, (4°) Bruno Schickedanz, (5°) Kanny Ng, (6°) Bruno Schickedanz, (7°) Barber, Gary and Oxley, John C., (8°) Equus Holdings and H. Archie Lee, (9°) John Kertesz, (10°) Diana Bristow, (11°) Karina Shaak, (12°) Carlo D'Amato and Stacey Van Camp
Criadores: (1°) Sam-Son Farm, (2°) Frank Mermenstein & Elliot Kohn, (3°) Sam-Son Farm, (4°) Canamer Farm, (5°) Kanny Ng, (6°) Rigney Racing LLC, (7°) Fox Straus KY, (8°) Christopher Fung & Patrick Fung, (9°) Gustav Schickedanz, (10°) Diana Gail Bristow, (11°) Al Ulwelling & Bill Ulwelling, (12°) Rustlewood Farm, Inc.
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