Jinetes: (1°) Thomas L. Pompell, (2°) Joel Dominguez, (3°) Maria L. Baca, (4°) Juan P. Vargas, (5°) Vicente Del-Cid, (6°) Timothy Thornton, (7°) Rodolfo Guerra, (8°) C.J. McMahon
Preparadores: (1°) Jayde J. Gelner, (2°) Jorge Lara, (3°) Alfonso Balderas, (4°) Henry R. Dunn, (5°) Ron Faucheux, (6°) Steven B. Flint, (7°) Edith A. Mojica, (8°) Charlie Rosier
Studs: (1°) Marvin W. Klare, (2°) Terrell Jarrett Jr. and Lara Racing Stables, LLC (Jorge H Lara), (3°) Ray Whitley, (4°) Henry Ray Dunn, (5°) C and R Racing ( Christian Silva and Rolando Villarisanis ), (6°) Whispering Oaks Farm, LLC (Carrol Castille), (7°) Mojica Stables, Inc. (Edith Mojica and Alfredo Mojica), (8°) Charlie Rosier
Criadores: (1°) Bentley T. Early, (2°) Clear Creek Stud LLC, (3°) Ray Whitley, (4°) Dr. Mary E. Stovall, (5°) Clear Creek Stud, LLC, (6°) Carrol J Castille, (7°) Jimmie Lovell, (8°) 4 M Ranch & Kent Bouillion
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