Maiden Claiming (Mcl) Pr. "Maiden Claiming" Hembras 3 años y más no ganadoras (h3a+p) 1300m Arena (Rápida) 18:10 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $35.300 Claiming (Máx): CAD $10.000 Claiming (Min): CAD $9.500
CAD $13.105 al 1ro - CAD $4.442 al 2do - CAD $1.999 al 3ro - CAD $1.552 al 4to - CAD $545 al 5to - CAD $366 al 6to - CAD $366 al 7mo - CAD $366 al 8vo - CAD $366 al 9no - CAD $366 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Jeffrey I. Alderson, (2°) Juan Crawford, (3°) Omar Moreno, (4°) Kazushi Kimura, (5°) Nicole Hein, (6°) Steve Jadoo, (7°) Eswan Flores, (8°) Luis Contreras, (9°) Slade Jones, (10°) Christopher Husbands, (11°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (12°) Sahin Civaci, (13°) Skye Chernetz, (14°) Emma-Jayne Wilson
Preparadores: (1°) Allen Desruisseaux, (2°) Beverley Chubb, (3°) David Cotey, (4°) Krista Cole, (5°) Abraham R. Katryan, (6°) Beverley Chubb, (7°) William Tharrenos, (8°) George Billers, (9°) Austin Hinds, (10°) Michael Mattine, (11°) Sylvain Pion, (12°) Philip Hall, (13°) David Cotey, (14°) Michelle M. Love
Studs: (1°) Maureen Hewitt-Topp E., (2°) Kanny Ng, (3°) Noelle Ramsey and David Cotey, (4°) Bay Ridge Orchards Ltd. and Cole-Simpson, Krista Gail, (5°) Murray Stroud and Abraham R. Katryan, (6°) Beverley Chubb, (7°) Beclawat Stable and Zona Pereira, (8°) Hannah Sprenger C., (9°) Austin Hinds, (10°) Stacey Van Camp, (11°) Douglas Reddington J., (12°) Telford Farms, (13°) Forbush, Richard and Cotey, David, (14°) Michelle M. Love
Criadores: (1°) Brookdale Farm, (2°) Murray D. Stroud, (3°) Calumet Farm & Richard Forbush, (4°) Bay Ridge Orchards Limited, (5°) Murray Stroud, (6°) Hill 'N' Dale Farms, (7°) Bonnie Kirkwood-Peavoy & Northern DawnStables Inc, (8°) Linda Mason, (9°) Austin Hinds, (10°) Spring Farm, (11°) Olympia Star Inc, (12°) Telford Farms, (13°) Richard Forbush, (14°) Mike Ambler
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