Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Hembras 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 2 carreras (h3a+) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 14:29 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $49.700 Claiming (Máx): CAD $25.000 Claiming (Min): CAD $23.500
CAD $22.952 al 1ro - CAD $7.651 al 2do - CAD $2.963 al 3ro - CAD $1.616 al 4to - CAD $808 al 5to - CAD $308 al 6to - CAD $308 al 7mo - CAD $308 al 8vo - CAD $308 al 9no - CAD $308 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Kazushi Kimura, (2°) Luis Contreras, (3°) Daisuke Fukumoto, (4°) Patrick Husbands, (5°) Declan Carroll, (6°) Antonio A. Gallardo, (7°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (8°) Keveh Nicholls, (9°) Eswan Flores, (10°) Slade Jones
Preparadores: (1°) Robert P. Tiller, (2°) Josie Carroll, (3°) Alexander F. McPherson, (4°) Ryan A. Jones, (5°) Donald C. MacRae, (6°) Steven Chircop, (7°) Darwin D. Banach, (8°) Cary Brooks, (9°) Sid C. Attard, (10°) Patrick Dixon
Studs: (1°) Rolph A. Davis, (2°) Laconian Racing Stables, (3°) Brooks, John, Brooks, Nancy and Whalen, Donald, (4°) Ricardo Sterling, Jefferson Gill and Jamal Watson, (5°) Lay, Michael and D-Mac Racing Stable Inc., (6°) Eric Ross, (7°) William A. Sorokolit, Jr. and Vandyk Sunny Stables Inc., (8°) C. and P. Brooks, (9°) Ivan Dalos, (10°) Colebrook Farms
Criadores: (1°) Dr. Rolph A. Davis, (2°) Laconian Racing Stables, (3°) Maggie LeBlanc, Susan Martin & Nancy Brooks, (4°) Shadwell Farm, LLC , (5°) K. C. Garrett Farm, (6°) Joey Gee Thoroughbreds, (7°) William A. Sorokolit & Vandyk Sunny Stables Inc, (8°) Danny White & Ann White, (9°) Tall Oaks Farm, (10°) Colebrook Farms
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