Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Potrancas 3 años (h3a) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 16:30 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $53.000 Claiming (Máx): USD $40.000 Claiming (Min): USD $35.000
USD $31.800 al 1ro - USD $10.600 al 2do - USD $6.360 al 3ro - USD $3.180 al 4to - USD $1.060 al 5to - USD $500 al 6to - USD $500 al 7mo - USD $500 al 8vo - USD $500 al 9no
Apuestas $1 exacta / $2 quinella / 50 cent trifecta $2 rolling double / 50 cent min. pick three $1 superfecta (10-cent min.) / $2 wps parlay
Jinetes: (1°) Juan J. Hernandez, (2°) Drayden Van Dyke, (3°) Ramon A. Vazquez, (4°) Cristian A. Torres, (5°) Abdullah M. Alsagoor, (6°) Florent Geroux, (7°) Tyler Baze, (8°) Kyle Frey, (9°) Jessica Pyfer
Preparadores: (1°) Doug F. O'Neill, (2°) Ian Kruljac, (3°) Philip D'Amato, (4°) Robertino Diodoro, (5°) Philip D'Amato, (6°) Robert B. Hess, Jr., (7°) Brian J. Koriner, (8°) Andy Mathis, (9°) Rachael Keithan
Studs: (1°) Roadrunner Racing, Haymes, Neil A., O'Neill, Dennis and Strauss, William, (2°) Seltzer Thoroughbreds, (3°) Little Red Feather Racing, (4°) BG Stables, Exelby, Randy, Rose, Mark and Shaby, Selman, (5°) A Venneri Racing, Inc., (6°) Westlake Racing Stable, (7°) Philip Lebherz, (8°) Bran Jam Stable and Ciaglia Racing LLC, (9°) Relentless Racing, Inc. and McLain, Shon
Criadores: (1°) Country Life Farm and Keep Right LLC, (2°) Arturo Vargas & Eduardo Vargas, (3°) Columbiana Farm LLC, (4°) Kenneth L Ramsey & Sarah K Ramsey, (5°) Alex Venneri Racing, LLC, (6°) BHMFR, LLC, (7°) Premier Thoroughbreds LLC, (8°) Dahlberg Farms LLC, (9°) Gary & Mary West Stables, Inc.
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