Maiden (Msw) Pr. "Maiden" Pasto exterior para hembras de 3 años y más no ganadoras (h3a+p) 1100m Pasto (Firm) 17:29 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $60.000
USD $36.000 al 1ro - USD $12.000 al 2do - USD $6.000 al 3ro - USD $3.000 al 4to - USD $1.000 al 5to - USD $1.000 al 6to - USD $1.000 al 7mo - USD $1.000 al 8vo - USD $1.000 al 9no
Jinetes: (1°) Trevor McCarthy, (2°) Mattie L. Martin, (3°) Leonel Reyes, (4°) Horacio Karamanos, (5°) Samy Camacho, (6°) Forest Boyce, (7°) Yan Aviles, (8°) Luis Alberto Batista, (9°) Jack Gilligan
Preparadores: (1°) Christophe Clement, (2°) Sean Duffy, (3°) Gerard Ochoa, (4°) Richard E. Castillo, (5°) Curtis B. Payne, (6°) Claude R. McGaughey III, (7°) J. K. Huffman, (8°) James D. Locklear, (9°) Michelle Lovell
Studs: (1°) Stone Farm, (2°) Duffy's Racing LLC and Barron, Mary Claire, (3°) GOP Racing Stable, (4°) Castillo, Silvia E. and Pate, Stacy, (5°) Brown Road Racing, (6°) Emory A. Hamilton, (7°) Doris Tummillo, (8°) Kimberly Locklear-Lambert, (9°) Lenihan, Thomas F., Dalby, Edward and Weis, Raymond
Criadores: (1°) Stone Farm, (2°) C L Kidder, (3°) Farm III Enterprises LLC, (4°) Judge Lanier Racing, (5°) Sally Thomas & New Dawn Stable LLC, (6°) Emory A. Hamilton, (7°) Carol Hershe, (8°) Alpha Delta Stables, LLC, (9°) Thomas F. Lenihan, Ray Weis &W. R. Connelly
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