Jinetes: (1°) John R. Davila, Jr., (2°) Benjamin Hernandez, (3°) Jeremias Flores, (4°) Oscar Gomez, (5°) Joel Cruz, (6°) Keiber J. Coa, (7°) Emanuel De Diego, (8°) Rafael Rohena, Jr., (9°) Steven Fret, (10°) Jacqueline A. Davis
Preparadores: (1°) Chris J. Englehart, (2°) Beth Miller-Saul, (3°) Rachel Sells, (4°) Paul W. Barrow, (5°) Paul W. Barrow, (6°) John A. Salvato, (7°) James T. Wright, (8°) Wayne E. Sparling, (9°) Victor Dean, III, (10°) Nirka Huertas
Studs: (1°) Preferred Pals Stable, (2°) Anthony Fontana, (3°) Millstone Stable, (4°) Paul W. Barrow, (5°) LakeView Stables, (6°) Salvato, John A. and Deagman, Jim, (7°) Mary Vanhemel, (8°) Wayne Sparling E., (9°) Victor Dean, III, (10°) Nirka Huertas
Criadores: (1°) LL Racing, LLC, (2°) Mr. & Mrs. Andy Beadnell, (3°) John Scott Rogers, (4°) Andiamo Farm, (5°) Anthony and Susan Depaula, Lake View Stable, (6°) Robert H Auger & Sandra Auger, (7°) Lonnie Stokes, (8°) Shelly Gonzales, (9°) Richard John Lugovich, (10°) Sandee Schultz
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