Jinetes: (1°) Kevin Radke, (2°) Juan M. Gutierrez, (3°) Javier Matias, (4°) Edgar Velasco, (5°) Alex M. Cruz, (6°) Heribert N. Martinez
Preparadores: (1°) Blaine D. Wright, (2°) Debbie Peery, (3°) Howard Belvoir, (4°) Sergio Perez, (5°) Rigoberto Velasquez, (6°) Tom Wenzel
Studs: (1°) Henline, Tracy and Henline, Paula, (2°) Little Barn Racing, (3°) Rising Star Stable IX, (4°) Sergio Perez, (5°) Rancho Viejo, Lisa A. Baze and John Sneesby, (6°) James G. Carlin
Criadores: (1°) Frederick and May Construction, (2°) Harris Farms, (3°) Ten Broeck Farm, Inc., (4°) Bill Delia & Dr. Kim Kuhlmann, (5°) Lisa Baze, (6°) Blackstone Farm, LLC
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