Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Hembras 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 4 carreras (h3a+) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 22:35 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $9.700 Claiming: CAD $5.000
CAD $4.520 al 1ro - CAD $1.507 al 2do - CAD $753 al 3ro - CAD $377 al 4to - CAD $226 al 5to - CAD $194 al 6to - CAD $194 al 7mo - CAD $194 al 8vo - CAD $194 al 9no
Jinetes: (1°) Prayven Badrie, (2°) Renaldo Cumberbatch, (3°) Jorge Carreno, (4°) Sheldon Chickeness, (5°) Antonio Whitehall, (6°) Chavion Chow, (7°) Leroy Nelson, (8°) Shavon Belle, (9°) Ronald Ali
Preparadores: (1°) Carl Norman Anderson, (2°) Shelley Brown, (3°) Brent Hrymak, (4°) Jerry Gourneau, (5°) Jerry Gourneau, (6°) Steven Gaskin, (7°) Elton Dickey, (8°) Norbert Keshane, (9°) Arlen Dieno
Studs: (1°) Tom Boyko, (2°) Roy Fedee, (3°) Hrymak, Brent and Hrymak, Heather, (4°) Henry S. Witt, Jr., (5°) Henry Witt, Jr. S., (6°) Hillside Farms, Ltd. and Right Attitude, (7°) Tom Payne and Elton Dickey, (8°) Norbert Keshane, (9°) Silver D Stable
Criadores: (1°) C. Scott Abbott Racing Stable, (2°) Janeane Everatt, James Everatt & ArikaEveratt-Meeuse, (3°) Hinkle Farms, (4°) Cisper Racing, (5°) Gerald L. Averett Jr., (6°) Sequel Thoroughbreds, LLC & Twin Creeks Farm, (7°) H & E Ranch Inc, (8°) Daniel Stevenson, (9°) Clay A. Harris
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