Allowance (Alw) Pr. "Allowance" For registered indiana breds sired by registered indiana stallions three year olds and upward which have never won two races (3a+g) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 16:34 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $41.000
USD $24.600 al 1ro - USD $8.200 al 2do - USD $4.100 al 3ro - USD $2.050 al 4to - USD $1.230 al 5to - USD $410 al 6to - USD $410 al 7mo
Jinetes: (1°) Joshua Morales, (2°) Orlando Mojica, (3°) Samuel E. Bermudez, (4°) Marcelino Pedroza, (5°) Joseph D. Ramos, (6°) Jose Riquelme, (7°) Declan Cannon
Preparadores: (1°) John Haran, (2°) Devarus Douglass, (3°) Tianna Richardville, (4°) George Leonard, III, (5°) Charlie Livers, (6°) Genaro Garcia, (7°) Michael E. Lauer
Studs: (1°) Haran Thoroughbreds, LLC, (2°) Indy Dancer's Training Center, (3°) T.c. Racing Stable, B and B Stables, LLC and Red Shed Thoroughbred LLC, (4°) Ed Wright Cattle Company and Childers, Miles, (5°) Kent Sprunger, (6°) Jay Allen and Bruce Murphy, (7°) Penny S. Lauer
Criadores: (1°) Dawn Martin, (2°) Deborah Smallwood & Gale Bess, (3°) T.C. Racing Stable, (4°) Justice Farm & Greg Justice, (5°) Kent Sprunger, (6°) Bruce Murphy & Jay Allen, (7°) Michael E. Lauer & Penny S. Lauer
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