Allowance Optional Claiming (Aoc) Pr. "Allowance Optional Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más (3a+) 1000m Arena (Rápida) 22:35 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $14.700 Claiming: CAD $10.000
CAD $6.972 al 1ro - CAD $2.324 al 2do - CAD $1.162 al 3ro - CAD $581 al 4to - CAD $349 al 5to - CAD $198 al 6to - CAD $198 al 7mo - CAD $198 al 8vo - CAD $198 al 9no - CAD $198 al 10mo
Preparadores: (1°) Lise Pruitt, (2°) Jared Brown, (3°) Wendy Anderson, (4°) Jim Donley, (5°) Shelley Brown, (6°) Jared Brown, (7°) Murray Duncan, (8°) Jerry Gourneau, (9°) Steven Gaskin, (10°) Mike Taphorn
Studs: (1°) Arnason Farms, (2°) Grieder, Garth and Adamczyk, Violetta, (3°) Wind Dancer Stable, (4°) Medeiros, Manuel and Clement, John, (5°) Brown, Shelley, Holburn, Steve, Belle, Cristina C. and Brown, Dean, (6°) Brown, Jared and Lucky 8 Stable, (7°) Duncan, Murray and Estate of Garylle B. Stewart, (8°) Henry S. Witt, Jr., (9°) John Ganas, (10°) My Three Niece's Stable
Criadores: (1°) Haras Don Alberto, (2°) Bernard McCormack & Karen McCormack, (3°) Dr. & Mrs. William T. Gray, (4°) Dr. Betty Hughes, (5°) Hill n Dale Farm, Jay Ar Dee Stables &TCR Ranch, (6°) Madera Thoroughbreds, (7°) Shimokobe Farm, (8°) Joe Keith Davis, (9°) Bonnie Heath Farm, LLC, (10°) Thomas L. Croley
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