Maiden Claiming (Mcl) Pr. "Maiden Claiming" Potrancas 3 años no ganadoras (h3ap) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 18:28 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $17.000 Claiming (Máx): USD $25.000 Claiming (Min): USD $22.500
USD $10.200 al 1ro - USD $3.400 al 2do - USD $2.040 al 3ro - USD $1.020 al 4to - USD $450 al 5to - USD $450 al 6to - USD $450 al 7mo
Apuestas $1 exacta / $0.50 trifecta / $1 superfecta (.10 min)) $1 rolling super high five leg 4 of the $1 golden hour pick 4 leg 2 of the $5 golden hour double (starts with race 10 at santa anita)
Jinetes: (1°) Assael Espinoza, (2°) Silvio R. Amador, (3°) Evin A. Roman, (4°) Santos Rivera, (5°) Francisco Duran, (6°) Pedro M. Terrero, (7°) Brayan Pena
Preparadores: (1°) Jack Steiner, (2°) Leanna L. Ekstrom, (3°) Blaine D. Wright, (4°) Felix Rondan, (5°) Faith Taylor, (6°) Dan L. Markle, (7°) Miguel A. Ramirez
Studs: (1°) Marriott, Randy and Steiner, Jack, (2°) Rubinfield or Rubinfield, (3°) Maryanski, John and Janene and Schneider, Gerald, (4°) Gray, Jill and Dr. William T., (5°) Kelly, Benjamin E. and Taylor, Faith, (6°) MGP Trust, (7°) Baseline Equine LLC
Criadores: (1°) Old English Rancho, (2°) Nat Rubinfeld & Alma Rubinfeld, (3°) Duco Sytsma, (4°) Dr. & Mrs. William T. Gray, (5°) Linda Madsen, (6°) Mr. & Mrs. William T. Griffin, (7°) Baseline Equine LLC
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