Jinetes: (1°) Jevian Toledo, (2°) Charlie Marquez, (3°) Grant Whitacre, (4°) Maclovio Enriquez Jr., (5°) Yan Aviles, (6°) Yomar O. Ortiz, (7°) Katie Hindt
Preparadores: (1°) Brittany Russell, (2°) Emanuel J. Geralis, (3°) Mario Serey, Jr., (4°) Kevin Dove, Jr., (5°) Kenneth M. Cox, (6°) Patrick J. Magill, (7°) Randy Ashby
Studs: (1°) Cash is King LLC, LC Racing LLC, Gill, Michael and Gill, Jr., Michael, (2°) John Davison and Eunhee Kim, (3°) Mario Serey, Jr., (4°) Stay Well Stables, (5°) Bonuccelli Racing, (6°) Nicole Kurtz, (7°) Larry Lowry
Criadores: (1°) Sycamore Hall Thoroughbreds, LLC, (2°) John C. Davison, (3°) The Elkstone Group LLC, (4°) Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Bowman, (5°) Don Alberto Corporation, (6°) Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Magill, (7°) Cottonwood Stable LLC
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