Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Hembras 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 2 carreras (h3a+) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 15:28 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $28.000 Claiming: USD $16.000
USD $15.400 al 1ro - USD $5.600 al 2do - USD $3.360 al 3ro - USD $1.680 al 4to - USD $1.120 al 5to - USD $280 al 6to - USD $280 al 7mo - USD $280 al 8vo
Apuestas Exacta, trifecta (.50), super (.10), pick 3 races (5-7), grand slam (5-8) late pick 5 (.50) races (5-9), double
Jinetes: (1°) Dylan Davis, (2°) Raul E. Mena, (3°) Luis Cardenas, (4°) Trevor McCarthy, (5°) Jacqueline A. Davis, (6°) Jose A. Gomez, (7°) Heman K. Harkie, (8°) Omar Hernandez Moreno
Preparadores: (1°) Raymond Handal, (2°) Richard Metivier, (3°) Rudy R. Rodriguez, (4°) Steven M. Asmussen, (5°) Dylan Clarke, (6°) John T. Toscano, Jr., (7°) Gustavo Rodriguez, (8°) Edmund Pringle
Studs: (1°) Turningforhome Stable, (2°) Monarch Farm, (3°) Gennett, Robert J. and Gennett, Catherine, (4°) Poindexter Thoroughbreds LLC, (5°) BoBo Racing Group, (6°) Toscano, Robert, Ginesin, Gus A. and Salisbury, Timothy, (7°) Andrew Gurdon O., (8°) F and F Stable (F. Garcia)
Criadores: (1°) David Leroy Smart & Garry Lee, (2°) Eaton & Thorne, Inc., (3°) Robert Gennett & Tom Andreadakis, (4°) H. Allen Poindexter, (5°) David Leroy Smart & Garry Lee, (6°) Mr. & Mrs. Bertram R. Firestone, (7°) Tri-County Stables, (8°) F and F Stable
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