Jinetes: (1°) Alfredo Sigala, (2°) Luis Negron, (3°) Frank Reyes, (4°) Aldo Arboleda, (5°) Rigo Sarmiento, (6°) Luis A. Fuentes, (7°) Christian Ramos, (8°) Francisco Amparan, (9°) Jose M. Vasquez
Preparadores: (1°) Todd W. Fincher, (2°) Dick Cappellucci, (3°) Casey T. Lambert, (4°) Miguel A. Villalobos, (5°) Clifford C. Lambert, Sr., (6°) Todd W. Fincher, (7°) Todd W. Fincher, (8°) Alberto Amparan, (9°) Clifford C. Lambert, Sr.
Studs: (1°) Lewis, R. Lee and King, Brad E., (2°) Owen, Ray, Luciano, Don and Luciano, Michael, (3°) Rich, Haskell E. and Rich, Jacque M., (4°) Villalobos Racing, (5°) Powers, Jimmy and Powers, Rebecca, (6°) King, Brad and Kirby, Suzanne, (7°) B4 Farms, LLC, (8°) Judith Benavidez, (9°) Powers, Jimmy and Powers, Rebecca
Criadores: (1°) Lee Lewis & Brad King, (2°) Bauer Farm, (3°) The Quarter Company LLC, (4°) Fred Alexander, (5°) Greg Green & Dwain Yarbar, (6°) Brad King, (7°) Dale Taylor Sr., (8°) Susan A. Hunter, (9°) Mark Durio
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