Jinetes: (1°) David Cabrera, (2°) Jon K. Court, (3°) Chel C. Bailey, (4°) Reylu Gutierrez, (5°) David Cohen, (6°) Ramon A. Vazquez, (7°) John Hiraldo
Preparadores: (1°) Wayne Potts, (2°) Michael Hewitt, (3°) Michael Hewitt, (4°) Karl Broberg, (5°) Chris Richard, (6°) Robertino Diodoro, (7°) David R. Vance
Studs: (1°) Roger B. Sterling, (2°) Ridge Rock Racing, (3°) Tillman, Chris and Sherry, (4°) Zachary Roush, (5°) Balkrisna Sukharan, (6°) Flying P Stable and Valente, Roddy J., (7°) Ribble Farms LLC
Criadores: (1°) Thomas W Bachman, (2°) Arturo Vargas, (3°) Kim Nardelli, Rodney Nardelli &Take Charge Indy Syndicate, (4°) Randel Ray Riley, (5°) W. Bruce Lunsford & Hill 'n' Dale Farm, (6°) Haymarket Farm, LLC, (7°) Godolphin
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