Jinetes: (1°) Javier Tavares, (2°) Rafael Bejarano, (3°) Sonny Leon, (4°) Alexis Achard, (5°) Santiago Gonzalez, (6°) Perry W. Ouzts, (7°) Gabriel Lagunes
Preparadores: (1°) Javier Hernandez, (2°) Michael W. McCarthy, (3°) Eric R. Reed, (4°) Paul E. Bachmann, (5°) Danielle Obert, (6°) John S. Cannon, (7°) Thomas H. Feebeck
Studs: (1°) Hooves and Saddles, LLC (Javier Hernandez), (2°) Andrew N. Warren, (3°) Jerry Jamgotchian, (4°) Paul E. Bachmann, (5°) Obert, Danielle and Eppard, Christine, (6°) John Steve Cannon, (7°) Feebeck, Kathi, Feebeck, Thomas H. and Wolking, Ryan
Criadores: (1°) Go-To-Toga Racing, LLC, (2°) Waymore, LLC, (3°) Will Take Charge Syndicate & FrankfortPark Farm, (4°) Darwin Krenz, (5°) Kaleem Shah, Inc., (6°) Pin Oak Stud, LLC, (7°) Barry Higgins & Lee Robey
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