Clásico (Cl) Pr. "LA Bred Premier Championship S." Ejemplares 4 años y más (4a+) 1700m Arena (Rápida) 16:26 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $150.000
USD $90.000 al 1ro - USD $27.000 al 2do - USD $15.000 al 3ro - USD $7.500 al 4to - USD $3.000 al 5to - USD $1.500 al 6to - USD $1.500 al 7mo - USD $1.500 al 8vo - USD $1.500 al 9no - USD $1.500 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Ty Kennedy, (2°) Alex Birzer, (3°) Jorge Guzman, (4°) Joel Dominguez, (5°) Kevin Roman, (6°) C.J. McMahon, (7°) Aubrie Green, (8°) Casey Fusilier, (9°) Thomas L. Pompell, (10°) Ashley Broussard
Preparadores: (1°) Lee Thomas, (2°) Benard Chatters, (3°) Henry B. Johnson, Jr., (4°) Samuel Breaux, (5°) David C. Gomez, (6°) Robertino Diodoro, (7°) Keith G. Bourgeois, (8°) Sam B. David, Jr., (9°) Scott Gelner, (10°) Winston Cormier
Studs: (1°) Keith Plaisance, (2°) Benard Chatters, (3°) James A. Boyd, (4°) Marcia J. LaMarche, (5°) Southern Legacy Thoroughbreds LLC, (6°) Wiest, Rick, Wiest, Clayton, Wiest, Lana and Kropp, Gary, (7°) Robert Asaro Enterprises, Inc., (8°) Alston Thoroughbreds, LLC, Hernandez, E., Hernandez, K. and Duvieilh, J., (9°) Kendel D. Standlee, (10°) Cormier, Winston and Mire, Russell
Criadores: (1°) J. Adcock & Adcock's Red River Farm, LLC, (2°) Benard Chatters, (3°) James Boyd, (4°) Marcia Lamarche, (5°) Southern Legacy Thoroughbreds, LLC, (6°) LA Bred Equine Enterprises, (7°) Steven M Renshaw, (8°) Earl Hernandez & Keith Hernandez, (9°) Kendel Standlee, (10°) Wayne Simpson
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