Jinetes: (1°) Jomar Torres, (2°) Angel R. Rodriguez, (3°) Tyler Conner, (4°) Ruben Silvera, (5°) Jaime Rodriguez, (6°) Dana G. Whitney
Preparadores: (1°) Daniel Velazquez, (2°) Timothy C. Kreiser, (3°) Michael J. Trombetta, (4°) Jamie Ness, (5°) Andrew L. Simoff, (6°) Elisha Perez
Studs: (1°) Fanelli, John and Longball Stables LLC et al, (2°) Matthew T. Groff, (3°) Marie F. Trombetta, (4°) Madison Avenue Racing Stable, Inc. and Jagger, Inc., (5°) Siedler, Craig and Simoff, Andrew L., (6°) Talon Perez
Criadores: (1°) Michael Anspach, (2°) Lydee Shea, Robert Losey & Cleon Cassel, (3°) Equivine Farm, (4°) Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Szeyller, (5°) Siedler & Simoff, (6°) Mr. & Mrs. Rodman Moorhead III
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