Jinetes: (1°) Hugo Sanchez, (2°) Nik G. Goodwin, (3°) Jareth Loveberry, (4°) Quincy Hamilton, (5°) Leslie Mawing, (6°) Denny Velazquez, (7°) Chad Lindsay, (8°) Israel Hernandez
Preparadores: (1°) David Van Winkle, (2°) Gary M. Scherer, (3°) Bernell B. Rhone, (4°) Troy A. Bethke, (5°) Valorie Lund, (6°) Gary M. Scherer, (7°) Tony Rengstorf, (8°) Philip C. Fauchald
Studs: (1°) Peter Mattson, (2°) Scherer, Gary M., Zlonis, Jeff and Goldfine, Steve, (3°) Suzanne Stables, (4°) Rodney M. Miller, (5°) Boice, Kristin and Lund, Valorie, (6°) Scherer, Gary M. and Sutherland, Patrice K., (7°) Curtis A. Sampson, (8°) Jeanette Fauchald
Criadores: (1°) Camelia J. Casby, (2°) Jeff Zlonis, (3°) Mr. & Mrs. Keith Andrew Westrup, (4°) LeRoy Bowman, (5°) Camelia J. Casby, (6°) Neut L. Strandemo & Gary Scherer, (7°) Curtis A. Sampson, (8°) Dennis Strohkirch
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